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Sri Lankan Ceylon Sandalwood (Artisanal Distillation) Small Batch


Distillation Method - Artisanal Low Heat
Type - Sri Lankan Ceylon
Year - 2020

A beautiful artisanal Low Heat distillation of Sri Lankan Ceylon Sandalwood.

This premium Sri Lankan sandalwood oil has replaced the standard that other sandals must meet. I even compare it to a lot of other mysore or vintage sandalwood oils. It is rarer than most varieties because it is Sri Lankan sandalwood, but I also love it because the sandalwood distillation is of exceptional quality and not just because it is Sri Lankan sandalwood.

Sri Lankan santalum is a little bit sweeter and less dry than Indian or Australian santal oils, and this high-grade distil is also considerably smoother than nearly everything I've tried.

The scent has a mellow vanillic ambery woody tone to it, which is a sign of the high-quality wood it was extracted from. It has a delicious tinge of creamy musk on top of the heavenly sweetness of fossilised amber and frankincense mixed into the smooth buttery heart, which makes it such an addictive and calming scent to wear all day.




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